Lead Generation

To stand out, you must tell your story the right way to the right audience. 

We convert conversations into articles, sell sheets, videos, social media content, E-books, email, sales letters, presentations, and more. We also ensure your content is SEO-optimized to drive traffic and generate leads.

We use these marketing tactics to show your niche insurance prospects you understand their concerns about their business.

  • Social media campaign
    • Employ informational posts, videos, articles, case studies, etc., consistently each week, including events, employee milestones, and links to relevant third‐party articles and blog posts to educate your target audience and position you as an industry leader.
    • Update key LinkedIn profiles to make them effective sales tools.
    • Use competitor analysis tools.
    • Discuss with staff how to use social media to help reach sales objectives.
    • The best sources for content are your expert staff members. Interviews with staff or third-party sources can be used for blog posts, articles, videos, podcasts, social media, etc.
    • Testimonials, surveys, information downloads, and landing page offers also boost attention.
  • Produce videos of employees and clients.  
    • Produce short explainer videos and employee or outside expert interviews. 
    • Interview videos can be edited for multiple posts, from full-length interviews to short clips.
  • Publicity builds your brand and exposure via press releases and articles targeted to your niche.
  • Create collateral sales materials to contrast competitors’ weaknesses against your strengths.
    • Include testimonials/positive feedback for “social proof.”
  • Pay Per Click Advertising helps boost SEO and can be targeted by industry and location.
  • Email marketing to your customer base and prospects effectively maintains awareness, especially if the content is valuable and informative rather than strictly sales-driven.
    • Email marketing also enables you to deliver messages targeting different decision-makers/influencers.

This is not canned or syndicated content. It is directly from your company and differentiates you as an expert in your field. Buyers are drawn to stories and agencies that understand their industry and demonstrate that you know the challenges they face. 

By focusing on niche markets and employing strategic SEO practices, you attract more qualified leads and demonstrate why your specialized expertise is invaluable. We position you as the authority within your niche, making you the best choice over generalist competitors.

Contact us to discuss how we can increase your book of business.